Beauty Therapy

Embark on a sensory journey to Thailand's seaside with our exquisite blend. Featuring pandan and lemongrass sourced directly from the region, it captures the fragrances of an island at sunrise. Delicately infused with Chrysanthemum sugar and lemon peel, this blend offers a captivating fusion of flavors. Experience the essence of Thailand's coastal landscapes in every sip, transporting you to a moment of tranquility and bliss. The combination of pandan, lemongrass, Chrysanthemum sugar, and lemon peel offers a unique synergy that promotes overall well-being. Lemongrass and pandan are known for their soothing and calming properties, while Chrysanthemum sugar provides a gentle floral sweetness along with potential antioxidant effects. The addition of lemon peel offers a refreshing boost of vitamin C. Together, this harmonious blend creates a delightful infusion that can invigorate the senses while potentially supporting digestion, relaxation, and providing a natural source of antioxidants.



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